Sound Fundamentals Band Book - PDF Band Music

Sound Fundamentals Band Book

In 2014 I wrote the Sound Fundamentals Band Book #1 and posted it on the  PDF Band Music website as a free download.  My thinking about the project was two-fold.  First, I knew that there are many schools that simply did not have the money to run beginning band programs and I hoped that my small contribution would help those in need.  Secondly, I wanted to write a method that progressed more slowly.  The band methods on the market today are excellent and the technology connected with these books is awesome. But, I feel that most books progress too rapidly for the very young band student.

At this point over 2000 music instructors have downloaded the book.  I am unsure how many directors are actually using the book for daily instruction and to be honest, this is a bit frustrating.  But occasionally someone does write and tells their story of using Sound Fundamentals.  I'd like to share parts of the letter I received last week.  I have redacted the school district name from the letter to protect the identity of the author.


Hi Tom,
I found information about Sound Fundamentals on the Internet about 3 weeks ago. I downloaded copies and donated a modest sum through PayPal. I teach in an underprivileged near Chicago. We have a 100% free and reduced lunch and breakfast program. The District is approximately 75% Hispanic, 12% African-American, and all sorts of nationalities make up the rest. I have been teaching there for several years.
I love what i do but have been very frustrated in teaching these kids. They have no self-confidence and are scared to learn to read music. Three years ago I wrote a short method to help reinforce reading before going into the book.  That helped a lot.
Once I found your book, I downloaded it and used it the first day after Christmas vacation. Almost immediately I had kids confidently reading for the first time. Their confidence level was obvious in the first half hour. By the second day I gave a copy to my boss and told her about the incredible difference I was seeing.
The look on the kid's faces is incredible. Today an autistic boy read and played everything from 1-26 perfectly. He actually spoke in class today for the first time. I have told them that I will print up a prompt and they need to write one paragraph about how your book has helped them.
I am sold on these books.  There are a few typos. I will catalog them and send them to you. I will be only using the first 25 pages and then get them into their books. We use Essential Elements, a book that doesn't work at all with our students.
I just wanted to let you know what an impact your books are making on about 100 underprivileged, underachieving students in my school.  The District has 24,000 students. Our band and orchestra program continues to grow.
I teach under the stairs, in doorways, and in a closet with electrical panels and extra coats that are given to kids who are not dressed appropriately.  We have "Learning Jackets" under the stairs in one building because it is so cold. I am grateful to have a small impact on their lives.
I am so grateful for this resource.  I hope to report more successes as the weeks progress.


Sound Fundamentals is available HERE and it is free.  I am currently working on Book 2 of Sound Fundamentals and hope to complete the book before the start of SY 2017-2018.



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